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So far Ted has created 71 blog entries.

PDFCrack-GUI Updated to v1.2

PDFCrack-GUI Updated to v1.2 A couple of years ago, I created a GUI for the very popular Linux command line PDF password breaking tool, 'PDFCrack', by Henning Noren. At that time, I was still using Sourceforge a bit, so it was hosted there and I pretty much forgot about it. Then the other day, I got a message from a user that reminded me it was still there. I visited and noticed the weekly downloads was around 40 per week! That was much more than I expected. But I guess for Linux users who need to gain access [...]

v3.1.0 is now available

After several months, v3.1.0 is now available for Windows, Apple OSX and Linux (Debian based distributions) from the downloads section. Code signed executables are no longer available. There was insufficient demand from the previous code-signed version (0.4% of total downloads) and until that demand is made apparent to me, I won't be spending $500 on a new Digicert certificate. Of course, the hashes are available to verify the downloads. Update : HashLib4Pascal library updated to master version available as of 18th July 2019. New : Added SHA-3 (256) hash algorithm  New : Added Blake2B (256) hash algorithm (best on [...]

How important is code-signed software for you?

I need help from the QuickHash-GUI user base. In 2018, I launched a poll to try and determine how many of the users would want (and be willing to pay for) a code-signed version of the QuickHash-GUI executable. The poll suggested a significant percentage would, because they either worked in corporate IT where running unsigned software was tricky. Or they just valued code-signed software more than unsigned software. So, I bought a code signing certificate from DigiCert for $250 and made code-signed versions available to buy for £1.99. I made the money back, just, but not by a huge [...]

By |September 8th, 2019|News|4 Comments

v3.1.0 is coming soon with new algorithms…

It's been a while since a new version of QuickHash was on the table. v3.0.4 has been fairly stable. There's been a few minor bug reports mostly relating to presentation aspects, but there's been a fair few feature suggestions that have had merit. I've been asked multiple times to include the BLAKE and SHA-3 hash algorithms, most notably. If I'm asked once or twice, that is one thing, but when it gets to double digits I figure I have to act! So v3.1.0 will feature BLAKE2b (256) which is a super fast algorithm and very secure. 2B is specifically [...]

Apple OSX Catalina 64-bit Enabled Version of QuickHash GUI…Coming Soon

Last November I wrote (HERE) that I may have to cease developed QuickHash GUI for Apple OSX. The reasons why are in that article so I won't repeat them. Suffice to say, I've received a good number of e-mails since asking me to try my best to make sure that doesn't happen. It seems the program has a popular following on the OSX platform. Well, I have good news. These past few evenings I have managed to compile a seemingly functional 64-bit version of the currently stable branch of QuickHash GUI which is v3.0.4, for OSX. It certainly looks [...]

By |July 12th, 2019|News|0 Comments

The last 18 months – lets analyse the usage stats

Development of Quickhash tends to be like buses. Nothing for a while, and then lots all at once. v2.8.4 was the last version prior to implementing SQlite. And it was a fairly stable release all-in-all and it pleased a lot of people; I got very few proper bug reports in that time, and instead most of the asks were feature requests. At the time of writing, about 150K people downloaded that version, and some people still continue to do so. It was the main download for about 145 days until v3.0.0 eventually made an appearance which included SQlite for [...]

By |January 18th, 2019|News|0 Comments

Quickhash v3.0.4 Released

v3.0.4 for Windows and OSX has been released this evening. I'll try to get the Linux version ready in the next few days. I just need to get it compiled and get the Debian packages made by my co-developer. Improvements are : The 'File' tab was not showing automatically when using drag and drop. Now it does. On Linux and OSX, the program will now automatically use default system wide SQLite libraries. This should reduce the risk of the program failing to load due to an SQLite file not being where it is expected to be. Reverted the "hash [...]

Quickhash v3.0.3 Released

v3.0.3 for Windows and OSX has been released this evening. I'll try to get the Linux version ready in the next few days. I just need to get it compiled and get the Debian packages made by my co-developer. Improvements are : v3.0.3 (Jan 2019) The 'Load Hashlist' functionality in the 'FileS' tab would accept all values but then compare them against computer uppercase hashes strings, meaning any lowercase imported values were not matched. Now all input is converted to uppercase first. The 'Load Hashlist' functionality in the 'FileS' tab can now accept CSV saved files (but must still [...]

Do we need a 32 bit version still?

I have had v3.0.3 of Quickhash nearly ready for release for several weeks now, but the reason for the delays are twofold. One problem is Apple OSX, and it's enforcement of 64-bit applications, which are surprisingly harder to compile than you might think. 32-bit is easy, but 64-bit is a fiddle using Lazarus. On the other hand, 64-bit on Windows and Linux is easy. 32-bit is the fiddle with those two. As it stands, whenever I compile the latest version, I have to compile it for 54-bit using Linux and Windows 64-bit operating systems. Then I have to launch [...]

By |January 6th, 2019|News|2 Comments

I might drop support for Apple OSX

There is a GOOD NEWS update to this post HERE Apple OSX....the nightmare that is.... So, it is late in 2018. 7 years since I first started building QuickHash GUI for Linux users, to make it easier to hash files on that platform. A couple of years later came a version for Windows, and about 4 years ago, I also added OSX into the mix. And now, I am starting to wish I had never bothered with that last hurdle. OSX is, quite simply, a nightmare to develop on unless you use Xcode, and only Xcode, or [...]

By |November 20th, 2018|News|1 Comment