
About Ted

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So far Ted has created 71 blog entries.

v3.0.0 Beta 2 for Windows out now

Further to my earlier blog post a couple of hours ago, the second beta version of QuickHash v3.0.0 for Windows is out now. For now, Windows only. Linux and OSX will follow soon, but not today. Download the beta at The bug reporting area is

Long Awaited New Feature – Existing Hash List Import and Lookup

For a few years, users have asked "Is it possible to have Quickhash import a list of existing hashes and then have it flag files that are known or unknown to the hashlist?". And for several years I have replied with "One day, I will add that. You're not the first to ask". Well, I am pleased to report that with a little free time over Christmas and an hour here and there, I have, at last, managed to add that functionality! The new beta2 of v3.0.0 (just released) has a "Load Hashlist" tick box which, when clicked, displays [...]

Teds Tremendous Data Generator – v1.0.0 released

A handy little utility for automating the generation of sample data was created to help with the development of QuickHash v3.0.0. That utility is now available for anyone wanting to use it. For a full write up and to get the download link, visit Random file generation Random String generation using Teds Tremendous Data Generator

Sorry for the Drastic Server Outage on Sunday 17th Dec

So on Sunday 17th Dec I was going about my normal daily duties and I noticed I had an e-mail from one of the security related monitoring systems (GravityScan) that periodically scan my site, to report the site could not be reached. So like all web site administrators, I immediately went to check, and I did indeed find my beloved projects website to be offline! Firstly, sorry to any users who found the site in that condition, especially users of Zorin OS who are sent here to help verify their downloads of Zorin OS ISO. This website gets a [...]

By |December 18th, 2017|News|1 Comment

v3.0.0 Beta for Windows is out!

As I announced here and here some weeks ago, I am pleased to announce that a beta version of QuickHash v3.0.0 that now incorporates SQLIte will be available in the downloads area from 21:00 UK time on 15th Dec 2017. Please ensure you export the files from zip and be aware that the user manual has to be re-written yet so it not shipped with the beta. If you need the manual, download the stable or visi the about page where there  is a link to the PDF file Please report any bugs in the bug tracker using the [...]

YAFFI – Yet Another Free Forensic Imager

The development of QuickHash v3.0 continues as per my previous two announcements. But, as excited as I am about QH v3.0, I have other programming projects going on too, and one had been neglected for a while called ‘YAFFI’. YAFFI is a disk imager that I first made for a bit of fun back in 2015 but it has since been left abandoned pretty much and I wanted to kick start its development again. Now, lets be clear here : this is not just a front end for an existing open-source imager! I wrote the thing from scratch!! It [...]

v3.0.0 Is Nearly Ready!

As I reported a few weeks ago, I've been working hard as often as I can on v3.0.0 of QuickHash that now utilises SQLite technology. It's been a massive task - much bigger than I first thought. It's taken me nearly two months of late nights and weekend work to get the beta nearly ready for release. It's been a major re-write and lots of new options have been added by means of right click menus and so on, which SQLite has allowed more easily than earlier versions. Simply things like the ability to sort on individual columns but [...]

Coming soon…v3.0.0…with SQLite technology!

Those of you who regularly follow the site may have thought things were quiet lately. Behind the scenes, I have been working hard on something I have wanted to do for about 18 months, and that is to convert QuickHash for use with SQLite. SQLite, as you probably know, is a very fast and powerful (but also fairly simple) database technology. It gives you all the benefits and power of a traditional relational database like MySQL, Firebird, Oracle and so on but without the enormous server overheads, user connectivity issues and, in some cases, licensing issues. With SQLite, developers [...]

Hashing Unicode Text Strings

In my previous blog article, I described the use of QuickHash to hash password strings for use on the various data breach checking websites. A user contacted me to ask about Unicode characters and whether QuickHash can hash Unicode strings, like passwords that may contains German Umlauts and so on. Whilst it is not that common for such characters to be used in passwords, they sometimes are, depending on the application. And the answer is yes - QuickHash will generate a hash of a Unicode string no problem. As you can see in the screenshot below, if I type [...]

By |September 11th, 2017|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Checking Hashed Passwords with QuickHash-GUI

I found an article recently that showed the use of QuickHash to check password strings and then using the resulting hash in one of the many sites that store hashes of passwords from data breaches. I then also found this article by The Register titled 'Crypto-busters reverse nearly 320 MEELLION hashed passwords' that talks about the same thing in a lot more detail : https://www.theregister.co.uk/2017/09/04/cryptobusters_reverse_nearly_320_meellion_hashed_passwords/ You can read more about Troys work and the concept of password hashes and their availability here : https://www.troyhunt.com/introducing-306-million-freely-downloadable-pwned-passwords where he continues to talk about using the SHA-1 hash of a password to check [...]

By |September 10th, 2017|News|3 Comments