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So far Ted has created 71 blog entries.

QuickHash forms part of training at Cal Poly in California

From time to time, I like to see where QuickHash has hit the news and tech bloggers. I was delighted to find today (a few weeks after publication I admit) a great and inspiring article at Mustang News (http://mustangnews.net) titled 'How cybersecurity is becoming a hot topic at Cal Poly' written by Brendan Matsuyama. The link to the article is here for those who want to read it in full : http://mustangnews.net/cal-poly-cybersecurity-leader/ and it talks about how the California Cyber Training Complex (CCTC). Key stakeholders in the project include Cal Poly, the California Military Department, local and state law [...]

By |May 31st, 2017|News|0 Comments

QuickHash v2.8.2 for all platforms is out

QuickHash v2.8.2 is out now for Windows, Linux and Apple Mac OSX. The instructions for use are contained inside the download, and the SHA-1 hashes for all the compiled binaries and also the zip packages are supplied. Download now for your platform from To report bugs or problems, visit  

Quickhash v2.8.2 due soon

v2.8.2 is about ready for release. I just need to get it compiled for all three platforms. If you want to review the changes and the source code, head over to the Github page at https://github.com/tedsmith/quickhash.  Of most significant note, though, is the addition of a main menu that includes some basic functionality and an about page, meaning more 'about' information such as the the homepage and donation link can go there, instead of on the main terface, which some users had a moan about with v2.8.1. Also of interest is if the user clicks an alternative hash algorithm [...]

QuickHash v2.8.1 Released for All Platforms

v2.8.1 out now for Windows, Linux and Apple Mac OSX, for both 32 and 64 bit architectures. Simply navigate over to the Downloads area : and choose your download for your system. As always, Windows users are encouraged to just use the 32-bit executable file. Linux users must use either the 32-bit or 64-bit binary for their system. And Apple Mac OSX Users should ensure they have set their security settings to "allow programs downloaded from anywhere" in the "Settings --> Security" options, and they also need to ensure the binary file has executable permissions. Release Notes : [...]

Manny Fernandez over at Infosec Monkey blogs about QuickHash

I spotted this a little late, but  Manny Fernandez over at Infosec Monkey (http://www.infosecmonkey.com/2016/10/14/quickhash-multi-platform-hashing-tool/) blogged about QuickHash back in October 2016 with a very friendly and detailed description of QuickHash-GUI, and he also gives many reasons as to the scenarios that it can be useful. I only just found it after looking through some twitter posts about the tool! It's surprising how many people have tweeted about it actually :-) A useful read for any prospective user, and I thank the author for the write up.

By |April 11th, 2017|News|0 Comments

Michael Bartholow blogs about using QuickHash for encrypting email addresses for Google AdWords Customer Match

It always pleases me to read about QuickHash in the blogs and articles written by other tech folks. Michael Bartholow does so in his article titled "Encrypting Emails for Google AdWords Customer Match". He recalls the story most familiar to many of us...the big corporate licensed tools like Excel and so on failing to do what we can achieve ourselves through open-source development. His blog describes using QuickHash for generating hash values suitable for injestion by Google AdWords. It's a pleasure to get such high praise. Makes you feel like your work is paying off. Perhaps not financially, but [...]

By |April 4th, 2017|News|2 Comments

New video to showcase QuickHash-GUI

This evening I recorded a new video of QuickHash-GUI. The former video was a couple of years old now, and despite having quite a lot of views and comments, it showcased what was, in part, some redundant functionality that has since been improved or adjusted. The video is not designed as an authority on the program - merely to show users how they might use it and briefly explain some of the features more easily than reading it. However, the user manual is and always has been quite comprehensive and it details the programs features and strengths and is [...]

By |March 31st, 2017|News|0 Comments

The X-Ways Clips Online Learning Platform

In addition to being the developer of QuickHash, I am, and was before I started programming, an enormous supporter of the digital forensics and disk analysis tool, X-Ways Forensics (and of course it's originating program, Winhex). It is, in my view, the best forensic tool in the world. I've used it for years and several years I ago I made it somewhat of a personal mission to try and persuade others in the digital forensics realm that it is so much more capable as a "routine digital forensics tool", useful for so much more than just detailed hex analysis, [...]

By |March 24th, 2017|News|0 Comments

NSRL Hash Set Stripper

A quick utility I cobbled together may be of interest to any users who have involvement with the NSRL Hash Sets. The program is designed to take the original NSRL hash set as downloaded from the NIST website, and converts it to a single file containing just a column of hashes that you have asked for. The output file can then be injested directly into whatever tool or purpose you have a need for it. It saves a new output file that contains only the column of hashes you require, suitably formatted for immediate injestion into a digital forensic [...]

By |March 24th, 2017|News|0 Comments

v2.8.0 – Minor bug in “Copy” tab

It has been brought to my attention that with v2.8.0 there’s a minor issue with the “Copy” tab, in that if there are 10 files in FolderA, all ten are copied to FolderB without a problem, and the log files report that, but QuickHash's visual report shows that “9 files copied”, instead of “10 files copied”. Will be fixed in the next service release (2.8.1) or v2.9 if that comes first.   I have added a bug report, here :