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So far Ted has created 71 blog entries.

SHA-1 Hash collisions of actual files

A really interesting article here regarding SHA-1 hash algorithm and collisions. MD5 collisions have been known for a long time, and SHA-1 collisions have theoretically been around for a while too, albeit engineered collisions as opposed to accidental ones. Because of that, NIST have not really endorsed SHA-1 for a few years although their hash databases still comprise their values (as they do for MD5, for that matter). So I don't think engineered collisions render the algorithm useless - certainly not for most daily tasks, but perhaps for security more so. The work was conducted following a long term [...]

By |February 23rd, 2017|News|0 Comments

QuickHash v2.8.0 for Apple Mac OSX Released!

OK, as promised in my recent blog posts, here is the eagerly anticipated release of Quickhash v2.8.0 for Apple Mac OSX operating systems. This brings all the great new features and improvements of the program that Windows and Linux users get, to Apple Mac users. Now, every time I create an Apple Mac release, I have some issues from some people. OSX is just a weird platform. Please note I do not have a decent or modern Apple Mac. It's a ten year old Mac Mini with 2Gb of RAM that JUST manages to run Yosemite, at a push. [...]

What is the newly added xxHash algorithm?

So with the release of Quickhash v2.8.0 (arguably the most significant release of the program since v2.0) came the super fast xxHash algorithm. Many of you may be wondering what it is and why I added it. But I also know many of you who use QuickHash are probably "hash enthusiasts" who always like to check that File A in front of you is the same as FileA over there with utter certainty and there is no room for any doubt. You're also probably hash purists. "MD5 is broken...SHA-1 is not much better, you should only ever use SHA-256..." [...]

By |February 14th, 2017|News|3 Comments

Quickhash v2.8.0 is out now!

I have just uploaded QuickHash v2.8.0 for Windows (32 and 64 bit)  and Linux (32 and 64 bit). This has been a lot of work and taken a few months to get finished. The release notes tell you all you need to know, and the user manual has been updated. Very briefly, an entirely new hash library is now in use and the xxHash algorithm has been added to the usual 4 algorithms. Lots of other bug fixes and feature request implementation. You can get it now from the downloads section : The Apple Mac version will follow ASAP. [...]

v2.8.0 is in development

I've had a little time lately to work on implementing some things I've been meaning to implement for ages. First and foremost, there is the new hash library. For some years I used DCPCrypt, but that had several shortcomings, not to mention the fact that I had to adjust the library myself for 64-bit capabilities. I'm pleased to say that a new well maintained and Unicode supported library is now part of Quickhash v2.8.0 called HashLib4Pascal by Ugochukwu Mmaduekwe Stanley. It's also compatabile with Freepascal v3.0+. It's a great library with many versatile options and a host of hash [...]

v2.7.1 is on the horizon

v2.7.1 is being developed. A few minor issues cropped up with the release of v2.7.0, which was not unexpected as I reported in my earlier post. One notable issue is a permissions issue with the creation of a settings xml file that was added with 2.7.0. As it turns out, there's a bit of a snag with it on Apple Mac OSX and Linux, so a change has been made to ensure the xml file is called the same as the program, instead of "QH_Settings.xml". One of those things I didn't anticipate and kindly fixed by Dareal (https://github.com/darealshinji).  There's some [...]

By |January 15th, 2017|News|0 Comments

Quickhash now included with Parrot Security OS

I am proud to announce that the up-and-coming rising star Linux distribution of the moment....Parrot Security OS, now included QuickHash v2.7.0! One of the developers was very helpful in including it and I'm really very pleased. Getting a software tool into a mainstream Linux system is a big deal. Before Parrot, Quickhash was included in CAINE and DEFT, both of which are fine Linux distributions too. But no others had it, until now. This means you can simply launch the terminal in the distribution and just type 'quickhash' and there it will be. Parrot Security OS is a great [...]

By |January 8th, 2017|News|0 Comments

Debian Package coming soon!

Thanks to Dareal Shinji (https://github.com/darealshinji) a Debian package for QuickHash is available and if accepted by Debian package moderators, available as part of the Debian distribution (it has not been submitted, yet)! We still need to get it all polished and make a few teaks to the paperwork before submitting it but once that's done, hopefully later in 2017 it will be ready for submission. In the meantime, you can download a deb package here :  

By |December 23rd, 2016|News|0 Comments

Quickhash v2.7.0 is out now!

v2.7.0 was released 11th Dec 2016. Get it now at for your platform. Note that 2.7 means "quite a lot of new things", like status bars, new disk hashing interface, big changes to "Compare Directories" tab and so on. You can and should therefore expect to see lots of 2.7.X releases in the coming weeks and months to address any irritating issues that may have sneaked in. Windows 10 users note : you will be warned about running the program because I am an "unknown developer" by the standards of Microsoft, or moreover, I have not paid them [...]

New Disk Hashing Interface – Sneak Preview!

The disk hashing module has been massively overhauled for v2.7.0 and is now available for both Linux and Windows users, whereas it was only available for Windows users before. This means that Linux users will be able to hash disks using either the "File" tab or using the new GUI interface of the disk hashing module. It's a significant improvement over the earlier version of the disk hashing module, which was added in 2014. The features that it had (like a scheduled start time and so on) will be re-added to this new interface with subsequent branches of 2.7.0. [...]