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Thank you for making it easy to improve security
I am a computer and music hobbyist who uses open-source software frequently. Before QuickHashGUI (QHG), I was uncertain of the security of downloads. QHG demystifies and speeds confirming software integrity. Recommended.
When available, I also use GPG and Kleopatra, but the signing key is seldom available, so QHG is a welcome utility.
Thanks, Ted!
I had a hard time finding a program that could do Blake3 in a simple gui that I could understand. Plus it’s fast enough for me!
Thanks, Ted! :)
Great tool and keeps getting better!
I have used quickhash-gui for several years and it checks off all of my needs. As Systems Administrator, I check all of the binaries we install right after downloading them. The interface is slick and simple at the same time and hashing files are very quick. Would recommend to anyone looking for a good hashing tool!
Highly Recommended!

I wanted to say thank you to the team of Quickhash. Amazing program and so easy to use. I highly recommend Quickhash. Keep up the good work!
I Hope I’m Not Too Late ?
Many. many, many years ago (1990’s) I tried umpteen different file validation checking programs and got mixed results, i.e. some didn’t adhere to any standard, others were limited and still others were too dang complicated.
I even wrote my own Validation program (In Visual Basic for DOS, using an OCX file from Microsoft that I could pass info to about files to create checksums for and later read these back and see if anything had changed)
It was a 16bit CRC (as opposed to a proper hash hash, but it worked and like its modern counterparts it became obsolete, i.e. files became larger and the OCX could only reliably check up to files 2GB in size.
So I tested loads of programs to find the One, then I came across CHECKSUM.EXE by Corz. (FREEWARE)
Like your product it ticked all the boxes and is VERY simple to use (it integrates into Windows Explorer shell and you only have to highlight a file or folder, then right click on it and select from the dropdown menu, “Create Checksums” or “Verify Checksums” and that’s it it does what it says on the tin!
[ there is an extensive .INI file where you can select a customised set things you can do with the program ]
Now you’re probably wondering WHY AM I TELLING YOU ALL THIS ?
Simply because the developer has stopped developing the program in 2015, His site is still there and you can still download and use the program but there have been no updates since then and I have been looking for a good replacement ever since.
Then I found your program, I love it, it is blisteringly fast, has multiple hash methods, (Checksum has only got 3: MD5, SHA1, Blake3 and the first two are cryptographically broken, meaning they could be spoofed.) the fact that yours is cross platform is great but not an essential for me.
I found your program about a week ago and the night I found it I tried it out and I nearly gave up on it, as I had gotten so used to Checksum being a point, click & go and yours took a bit of work to find how do things, e.g. to create a list of checksummed files was one thing that wasn’t obvious then how to read back the list of checksummed files and have it tell you if any files are corrupt or missing!
In checksum.exe you simply selected a folder and clicked “Create” it did the rest, creating a log file as it went containing not just the HASH but also the path, filename, date, time, size for each and every file (subfolders too if you had set that option) all this was put into a file named after the folder/file and with the extension .HASH so you could have mixed hashes in the one file.
To later check them you simply located the *.HASH file, double clicked on it and it went through the list of files in the log file and if any were corrupt or missing it notified you, another thing it can do is if you have a list of previous hashes and add some more files to the folders and run create checksum, then it ask if you want to create all new checksums or synchronise the existing hashes with the X amount of new files to be hashed.
I came back here tonight to see if there was any updates and to my horror I found that you had dumped the x86 version of your program…
Now, why, you might ask is this so horrific?
Simply this: After finding such a promising replacement for my checksumming needs I will be forever stuck with a x86 version and any flaws it might have without they ever being rectified :-(
This for me (and surely others like me throughout the world) is a major problem, as you may have gathered I am from a different era,( Hint: I worked when there were NO computers capable of handling files much bigger then 100-200 MB. ) I am on Disability Allowance and my laptop is a HP Pavillion that was manufactured in2009, It is in good working order but it is an x86 processor, running Windows 7 meaning that if you stop developing for x86 then I’m screwed.
As for going to Windows 10, I bought a Win 10 laptop a while back and was running it and I noticed files going missing, I checked for malware with various AV products but none found, Then I doubted myself because of my disability, I later found out it Was a Microsoft update (1803 I think it was) had wiped about 1TB of data (Family photos and such) anyway you get the picture.
So Please maintain development for those of us who are still dependent upon x86 arch.
One other thing:
Part of the reason I went into such detail about Corz CHECKSUM.EXE is I think it is the epitome of how a Hashing program should be developed, That is NOT to say I am critising your method, But I have used it for so long and found it so easy use I thought that I should tell you about it, I would at least recommend that you go to and D/L it and have a play around with how it works, who knows you may get inspired, My motto when I can, Keep It Simply Simple.
Thank you for Your Time and consideration and what ever you do keep up the good work.
Thank you for taking the time to create an excellent program.
Excellent program referred to me by a SecOps college. Thank you for taking the time to create an excellent program.
Thanks for the great utility !
Thanks !
Great utility
We use it for forensic and utility verification files tools
I appreciate being able to obtain code-signed software.
Quickhash is fantastic!
Quickhash is reasonably priced, and works with most hash codes!
Ted Smith responds quickly if problems are reported!
The product is free, but the quality of the software justifies the inexpensive donation!
Thank you Ted!
tim barry
Worth it
QuickHash is easy to use, and does the simple security check that I want. Happy to pay for this.
I regularly use it for incorporating complex technical documents
QuickHash-GUI is a tool I regularly use for incorporating complex technical documents that cannot be adequately rendered in print into agreements if I cannot use agreements genuinely signed by a qualified electronic signature. It provides a quick and efficient way of identifying documents and other files securely.
Ted Smith, thank you for your super helpful high performance tool

QuickHash-GUI is the perfect tool for capturing the originator proof of large amounts of data and thus for the protection of intellectual property.
With the «OSDSP Free-Proof» authors of media and measurement data (PDF, image, video, audio, text and so on…) can easily and free of charge anchor the hash of a QuickHash_GUI.csv file in the BLOCKCHAIN and in the OSDSP-REGISTER:
Best Graphical use of xxhash 32/64
I was searching for hashing program that made backup check an validation for big size files. The closest was blake2qs for cryptographical hashing, which would be fine, but its not my case. Thanks to Ted Smith and darealshinji. My next birthay I’ll be happy to donate something
Works great!
Works great!
Great utility
Great utility & sorely needed on the Mac.
Used many hashing tools over the years, Quickhash is now my Hashing Tool of Choice
I use Quickhash all the time now and push it in my open source Internet investigation training courses. Simple to use for a variety of purposes. Students who have struggled with concepts of hashing material before find it very easy to use. It is cross platform which I personally like as I use Linux as my everyday platform.
Always happy to support someone who offers stuff like this to the community. I particularly like the feature of outputting the results to .csv or html file, very useful for embedding in reports.
Ray Massie
Tool is exactly what we were looking for
Tool is exactly what we were looking for: a fast, easy to use, general purpose hashing tool that also worked across Windows and Mac. Very quick and helpful response when we had a question. Looking forward to some of the upcoming planned features.
Very intuitive and effective tool for all needs to calculate and confirm hashes
After a few days of using, I love this software.
I’m Professor at a University and I need this software for demonstrations during lectures. Great!
Very intuitive user interface, therefor easy to use. Covers all needs to calculate and confirm hashes. And: available for all platforms!
SHA256 Checksum Calculation for Dummies!
For years I have recognised the importance of verifying that the software I download is the original version, and not one that’s been tampered with, but, as a non technical user, I found it impossible to get to grips with command line prompts, so I’ve been playing a dangerous game…
Anyway, I went to download the ZenCash wallet the other day, and on their download page they wrote:
“Security check: You may decide to run a virus scan on it before proceeding… In addition using a tool such as you may calculate the its SHA256 checksum.”
Not expecting to be able to make it work, I downloaded your software nonetheless, and was delighted when it worked flawlessly and without me needing any technical skills.
This is truly an answer to my prayers, so please accept my £20 donation with my sincere thanks!
QuickHash and File Backup Online
Having had serious problems with other backup/file-archiving methods, I now use the USAF Encryption Wizard (now called TENS, nothing to do with relief from pain) to encrypt-archive some crucial work files.
My procedure is to encrypt-archive the crucial files with the USAF Encryption Wizard and then I decrypt-expand the .wza file that the USAF Encryption Wizard has created to another folder. I then use QuickHash to check that the decrypted-expanded files are identical to the originals. Since there are over 180MB of crucial files, I cannot manually check each file, even though the USAF Encryption Wizard does support hashing files.
Without QuickHash I would be unable to use the method I currently use. The encrypted archive is uploaded to Dropbox, which does not support user-supplied encryption keys.
I have spot-checked the accuracy of what QuickHash is doing by using the USAF Encryption Wizard’s hashing function on some files. I did those spot-checks on an earlier version of QuickHash and will in due course do the same spot-check on the current version.